COMBO: CSIR NET/JRF Fundamentals of Life Sciences Vol-I , II (Paperback, Rupendra Singh)
These Combo package of two book offers complete comprehensive and updated coverage of topics for all students who are preparing for CSIR NET Life sciences or related examination. Vol- I of Fundamentals of Life Sciences Fourth Edition contains subjects like Genetics, Molecular Biology, Ecology & Evolution and Plant Physiology. Topics in each subject are presented in a very simple language and with the help of plenty of illustrations and diagrams. It will help in developing better understanding for the reader. Coverage of topics is very comprehensive and information provided is in line with current knowledge. Vol -II, cover subjects like Cell biology, Biochemistry, Developmental biology, Methods in biology & Immunology, whose understanding is necessary to qualify CSIR NET/JRF or related examination like ICMR, GATE, DBT-JRF.